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Julie Barnes

Thrillers with benefits

Blog posts : "General"

The Time is Now

Embrace the change, while earth’s rearranged.

Take the time to stop using your mind. Find the place, that sacred space, where you reside that’s just inside.

You came here to shift, no matter the rift. You answered the call, to usher in peace for all, as we watch darkness fall.

Hold on t…

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A Fresh Shore

As humanity rises, individually and collectively, up through the mire of its past creations, a fresh shore comes into sight. Each challenge can be viewed as an opportunity to move beyond outdated ways of living. 

Recognizing behavior that hinders upward movement allows the opportunity to release…

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The Great Wind


Apparent chaos swirls about, many people rise to shout. “We are free, leave us be, no more opposing liberty!”

The space between, appearing vast…is illusory, time to release the mask.

No fight needed, it must be known, as we are headed toward true home. Leaving behind despera…

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The Great Shift

Stay Light

It's time to unite. It's time to rise.

While the miscreations of humanity continue bubbling up to be recognized and released, we have the opportunity in every fresh moment to choose a higher way of relating to one another.

Supporting everyone you meet by witnessing them beyond what they may ha…

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Walking a Peaceful Path

United we stand, one and all.

The awakening of humanity is moving forward quickly. Divisiveness desires to reign supreme. Yet, one can choose to remain in love, in peace, breathing deeply before reacting.

If you choose to heatedly condemn another for their beliefs, you are damning their very b…

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End times, not—for we’ve just begun, moving faster toward the Central Sun.

Manifestation quickens for all to know that we’re collectively creating this show.

Rise up strong, cast off fear, anti-forces are out of here.

Murky creations can now be subdued, ripple effects from stones humanity…

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Shine on

Earth Day 2023

The release of All Flavors is 4/22/23, Earth Day.

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